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SmartGrowth Strategy Submissions & Hearings

Consultation on the SmartGrowth Strategy concluded on 20 October 2023. The hearings, took place on 4 and 5 December and the hearing panel deliberations were conducted on 29 February, 1 March, 19 March (reconvened) and 13 May (additional) 2024.


You can view the submissions below -

Submission Pack - click here

Submission #52 Further Information - Tauranga Crossing Ltd - Gregory Akehurst

Submission #68 Tabled Item - Tumu Kaituna 14 Trust

Submission #83 Further Information - Bell Road Ltd Partnership - Aaron Collier

Submission #83 Further Information - Bell Road Ltd Partnership - Benjamin O'Loughlin

Submission #83 Further Information - Bell Road Ltd Partnership - Nathan York

Submission #83 Further Information - Bell Road Ltd Partnership - Peter Moodie

Submission #91 Further Information - Sustainable BOP

Submission #72 Further Information - Nga Potiki a Tamapahore Trust - Tara Road Masterplan

Late Submission #94 - Katikati Community Board


The hearings, took place on 4 and 5 December 2023.

Hearings schedule - click here

Hearings livestream 4 December 2023 - click here

Hearings livestream 5 December 2023 - click here

Day One Submissions- 4 December 2023; Tabled Evidence

Tabled Evidence - Submission #69 & 53

Tabled Evidence - Submission #67 & 68

Tabled Evidence - Submission #67 & 68 Presentation

Tabled Evidence - Submission #72

Tabled Evidence - Submission #88

Tabled Evidence – Late – Submission #92

Hearings Day Two Submissions- 5 December 2023; Tabled Evidence

Tabled Evidence - Submission #79

Hearing Panel Deliberations

The hearing panel deliberations were conducted on 29 February, 1 March, 19 March (reconvened) and 13 May (additional) 2024.

Hearing Panel Deliberations 29 February and 1 March 2024

Hearing Panel Deliberations Agenda

Hearing Panel Supplementary Report

Additional tabled item - Housing IOP

Hearing Panel Deliberations (Reconvened) 19 March 2024

Hearing Panel Deliberations Supplementary Report

Hearing Panel Deliberations (Additional Meeting) - 13 May 2024

Agenda and livestream will be available here prior to the meeting.

Hearing Panel Deliberations Agenda (additional meeting)

Livestream will be available here


An informal workshop was conducted on 7 and 8 February 2024 with the deliberations panel - click here for workshop notes.

Site visits with the deliberations panel took place on Tuesday 20 February 2024 to help inform deliberations - click here for more.

Issues and Options Papers

Issues and Options papers were presented at the deliberations which identified the key issues, answered questions from the panel and assisted in formulating recommendations and reasons.

These Issues and Options papers can be viewed here or below -

Areas of be Protected and Developed Carefully

Climate Resilience

Economic Wellbeing

Future Development Strategy



Industrial Land



Social Infrastructure

Tāngata Whenua

Te Taiao Environment


Urban Form and Centres