The Connected Centres approach is all about delivering greater housing and transport choices. More houses and apartment blocks will be built in existing suburbs along the Te Papa Peninsula (from Greerton to the CBD), Otūmoetai/Matua and Mount Maunganui. New neighbourhoods will be created or expanded in the east (Wairakei, Te Tumu), west (Pyes Pa, Tauriko West) and north (Ōmokoroa). Achieving a balance between greenfield development and intensification is the best way to house our growing population.
Public transport, walkways and cycleways will connect existing and new urban centres so people can easily move around to work, learn and play. The six agreed Priority Development Areas (PDAs) were selected because they provide a focus on achieving pace and scale to unlock housing. These are all areas that require intervention. All of our other growth areas remain important and will continue to be progressed.

Our Priority Development Areas are:
- Ōmokoroa
- Tauriko West
- Te Papa Including Tauranga City Centre
- Wairākei-Te Tumu
- Rangiuru Business Park
- Te Kāinga