Areas to be protected and developed carefully
Our natural environment is a unique taonga (treasure) and one of our most valued features. It includes areas of indigenous environmental and cultural value which must be protected.
Our sub-region is also vulnerable to natural hazards including flooding, erosion, tsunami and landslides. Many hazards can be exacerbated by the effects of climate change. Natural hazards are a significant issue when planning for growth, especially where there is pressure to build more homes, due to the shortage of housing.
We need to live and work with nature to remain resilient to the impacts of climate change and to respect and improve our environment.
Some areas of land have been mapped as ‘No Go’ areas for future development, due to their significant environmental and cultural value, or constraints to development.
Other areas of land have been mapped as ‘Go Carefully’ areas, due to being susceptible to natural hazards or other constraints. Growth will be directed away from these areas unless risks can be mitigated.